What's your pleasure?

Food and drink trigger pleasure responses in the brain that are activated by aromas, textures and temperatures. Drinks can be utlized to replace the pleasure response created by food as a lower calorie, nutrient rich, filling option.


To deliver this message we can deliver a set of ten content pieces; 3 articles, 2 quizzes, 3 tea related recipes, 2 listicles/Fun Facts

Product Info & Tea Matching (2 Quizzes)

Tea consumers may currently be making their herbal tea selection based on taste preferences, and traditional beliefs about the benefits of certain herbal drinks.


Accordingly, they may be missing some interesting information about herbal teas that haven't been pointed our frequently in the media or popular culture. A multiple choice quiz could be a fun way to introduce less known fun facts about teas.


1. Which Herbal Tea Helps With What? Test Your Knowledge.


2. Which Tea Best Suits Your Personality and Your Mood?

Replacement Therapy  (6 Tea Related Recipes)

I feel confident about creating interest in the notion that your body may send hunger signals when it is in need of hydration and specific nutrients. I would like to suggest six yummy recipes that illustrate how to replace eating impulses with hydrating options.


1. Orange Mint Green Tea


2. Can Tea Be Paired With Certain Food Recipes?


3. Honeycake Infused With Black Tea


4. How to Make a Chamomile Latte


5. How to make Anise Tea Crescents using Lipton Anise


6. Dark Chocolate Hibiscus Pie

Lipton Products                                         (3 Listicles and Fun Facts)

An emphasis will be made on the process behind Lipton Teas production. The purpose here would be to justify our claims, that teas in all their forms can be a nutritional replacement for food intake, when the goal is place meals farther apart.


1. Things You Didn't Know About Green Tea


2. 10 Steps Your Tea Went Through Before Getting to Your Cup 


3. 10 Fun Facts About Tea